Baptist Distinctives

The Baptist distinctives are best described by using the acronym “BAPTIST”

B – Biblical Authority

 The Bible is the final authority in all matters of life.  Because the Bible is inspired by God, it has absolute authority in a believer’s life.  No human opinion, church group, or governmental authority can override the Bible.

 II Timothy 3:15-17; I Thessalonians 2:13; II Peter 1:20, 21

 A – Autonomy of the Local Church

 The local church is an independent body accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ only.  All decisions that are made within the local church will be made by the voting members of the congregation.  Local churches may fellowship with other local churches but are not to be influenced or dictated by any governing bodies or hierarchies. 

 Colossians 1:18; II Corinthians 8:1-5, 19, 23

 P – Priesthood of the Believer

 “Priest” is defined as “one authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and God”.  Jesus Christ is our Great High Priest, and through Him alone we have access to God.  Believers can study the Bible, pray for others, and worship God based on the finished work of Christ.  There is no need for any other mediator between God and man.

 I Peter 2:5, 9; Revelation 5:9, 10

 T – Two Ordinances

 There are two ordinances that the local church should practice, believers baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

 Matthew 28:19, 20; I Corinthians 11:23-32

 I – Individual Soul Liberty

 Every individual, whether saved or not, has the ability to choose for himself or herself what he/she believes concerning the things of God.  However, all individuals are accountable to God and are responsible to the Bible.

 Romans 14: 5, 12; II Corinthians 4:2; Titus 1:9

 S – Saved Church Membership

 Church membership is limited to individuals who have publicly professed personal faith in Jesus Christ, and have been obedient in believer’s baptism.

 Acts 2:41-47; I Corinthians 12:12; II Corinthians 6:14; Ephesians 4:3

 T – Two Church Offices

 The two recognized offices of the local church are pastor (elder, bishop, or overseer) and deacon.

 I Timothy 3:1-13; Acts 20:17-38; Philippians 1:1

 S – Separation of Church and State

 God has established both the church (Matthew 28: 19, 20) and civil governments (Romans 13:1-7), each with its own responsibilities and purposes. 

 Acts 15: 17-29


History of LBC